

The Maury Method is a full circled approach to help you live your life to its potential. Central to this approach are the beliefs that:

  • Movement is freedom

  • Sensible and enjoyable approaches to healthy eating exist

  • Adherence to your goals can be enabled through applying social behavioral and cognitive learning theories

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My name is Maury Wiegand and I am the creator of the Maury Method. I would like to share a bit of my story to start a conversation with you. In creating relationships that are based on trust and transparency, I believe conversations might sometimes be the most valuable tool in establishing long-lasting client relationships.

My career has encompassed almost four decades in the competitive fitness industry, where experience matters. This is largely because I remain wildly obsessed with research and education, fostering changes for both my clients and my professional development. My professional accomplishments include the start-up of The Club in Bozeman (2004) and The Club on Rouse (2011), followed by the continuation of client and trainer relationships at Bridger Orthopedic. In 2019, I felt that restless call to change it up. I was interested in developing new platforms to increase my health and wellness skill delivery at a broader and more community level. This resulted in returning to my mainstay in personal development; education. I recently completed a graduate degree at the University of Montana, a Master’s degree in Public Health, graduating in December 2022 with highest honors. My studies emphasized chronic disease prevention and highlighted the overlapping years of fitness and wellness. research I had previously undertaken.

“In creating relationships which are based on trust and transparency, I believe conversations might be our most valuable tool.” I consider myself a lifetime learner. I have a BS in Exercise Science and have earned certifications through ACSM, ACE, and CHEK. I have also provided faculty and continuing education teaching experience with the American Council on Exercise. Most recently, I joined the team at Healthy is Wellness (HIW), immersing myself in a new discipline of health coaching. I engaged in graduate research work with HIW and loved integrating the overlapping skill sets pertinent to personal training, health coaching, and corporate wellness solutions. I have also expanded my weight room skills by becoming a Level 1 USAW Weightlifting coach, tailoring Olympic lift protocals to a senior market. To balance my toolkit, I often use skills acquired in my Foundation Training certification. The utilization of this extensive background and its application to meet specific client objectives has given rise to the Maury Method.

I have also been fortunate to have had numerous local and national writing opportunities. As these publications continue to develop, I hope you’ll find informative posts on my blog providing both individual and community health perspectives.

I’ve been a Bozeman resident for the past 29 years, raising four children in the Gallatin Valley while participating in and supporting local skiing, running, biking, and conservation organizations. I continue to be in awe of the splendor of the valley we inhabit and my values for living life to its fullest are encapsulated in the mountains that surround us.

I hope the Maury Method’s approach to living a full, robust, and evolving lifestyle might provide fresh ideas for you to consider in your own wellness journey!
