Full Circle Fitness

Start where you are
Use what you have
Do what you can
Live inspired by your efforts


The Maury Method is a full circled approach to help you live your life to its potential. Central to this approach are the beliefs that you can:


Move Better

Movement is freedom.


Eat Smart

Sensible & enjoyable approaches
to healthy eating exist.


Think Clear

Adherence to your goals can be enabled
through applying social behavioral & cognitive learning theories.


Do Good

Be kind, be present, contribute.

Giving back is freedom & when you act on the greater good, there's a shift that occurs.
Be that shift.


The Maury Method Can:


Help you successfully determine goals that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound).


Discover that movement is freedom! Using concepts from traditional strength training combined with Foundation Training, we can create a strength foundation that will support goals ranging from regaining mobility, to high level sports performance.


Unlock the motivational triggers that will help you sustain your new skills, then experience them become your new lifestyle.


Work with your physical therapist or medical provider in helping you achieve your lifestyle potential.